CS-405 - Operating Systems


     UNIT 1:

    Introduction to Operating Systems: Function, Evolution, Different Types, Desirable Characteristics and features of an O/S, Operating Systems Services: Types of Services, Different ways of providing these Services – Utility Programs, System Calls.

    UNIT 2:

    File Systems: File Concept, User’s and System Programmer’s view of File System, Disk Organization, Tape Organization, Different Modules of a File System, Disk Space Allocation Methods – Contiguous, Linked, Indexed. Directory Structures, File Protection, System Calls for File Management, Disk Scheduling Algorithms.

    UNIT 3:
    CPU Scheduling : Process Concept, Scheduling Concepts, Types of Schedulers, Process State Diagram, Scheduling Algorithms, Algorithms Evaluation, System calls for Process Management; Multiple Processor Scheduling; Concept of Threads.
    Memory Management: Different Memory Management Techniques – Partitioning, Swapping, Segmentation, Paging, Paged Segmentation, Comparison of these techniques, Techniques for supporting the execution of large programs: Overlay, Dynamic Linking and Loading, Virtual Memory – Concept, Implementation by Demand Paging etc.

    UNIT 4:
    Input / Output : Principles and Programming, Input/Output Problems, Asynchronous Operations, Speed gap Format conversion, I/O Interfaces, Programme Controlled I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, Concurrent I/O.
    Concurrent Processes : Real and Virtual Concurrency, Mutual Exclusion, Synchronization, Inter- Process Communication, Critical Section Problem, Solution to Critical Section Problem : Semaphores – Binary and Counting Semaphores, WAIT & SIGNAL Operations and their implementation. Deadlocks: Deadlock Problems, Characterization, Prevention, Avoidance, Recovery.

    UNIT 5:
    Introduction to Network, Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems. Case Studies: Unix/Linux, WINDOWS and other Contemporary Operating Systems.

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